
  • Run for Ukraine 2024

    Run for Ukraine 2024

    On Ukraine’s Independence Day 2024, VATAHA’s third annual memorial run put Ukrainian fallen defenders of art and culture in the spotlight. Over 500 runners crossed the finish line to commemorate fallen heroes and destroyed Ukrainian cities.

  • Contradictive Reality. Exhibition of Young Ukrainian Photographers in the Fotomuseum in The Hague

    Contradictive Reality. Exhibition of Young Ukrainian Photographers in the Fotomuseum in The Hague

    On June 15 at Fotomuseum in The Hague opened a special teenage photo exhibition titled Contradictive Normality inspired by Boris Mikhailov’s exhibition “BORIS MIKHAILOV. UKRAINIAN DIARY”. In an exclusive interview we talked with the curator of the project Teen art Club, Nicole Katenkari.

  • [SOLD OUT] Run for Ukraine 2024

    [SOLD OUT] Run for Ukraine 2024

    Run for Ukraine 2024 is uitverkocht! We kijken er naar uit om alle 500 renners te verwelkomen! In Oekraïne is het een jaarlijkse traditie om met een herinneringsloop de helden te eren die zijn omgekomen in de strijd voor onafhankelijkheid, soevereiniteit en territoriale integriteit. Het is een moment om de familieleden van de helden te…

  • [SOLD OUT] Run for Ukraine 2024

    [SOLD OUT] Run for Ukraine 2024

    Квитки на Run for Ukraine 2024 розпродано! Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на 500 учасників забігу! Забіг пам’яті — щорічний простір, де ми вшановуємо пам’ять Героїв, полеглих у боротьбі за незалежність, суверенітет та територіальну цілісність України. Також ми згадуємо загиблих близьких та виражаємо підтримку українським містам і містечкам. Це спосіб у День незалежності України підтримати родини…

  • [SOLD OUT] Run for Ukraine 2024

    [SOLD OUT] Run for Ukraine 2024

    On August 24, on the Independence Day of Ukraine, we are again going to Run for Ukraine in The Hague. Read more about the event and buy tickets here.

  • Art Project by ANNA KAKHIANI

    Art Project by ANNA KAKHIANI

    How often do phrases such as “don’t cry” or “keep smiling” go out of place or are opposite, making us feel better? As a starting point of Anna Kahiani’s artistic research, she refers to speech patterns and recognizable phrases in situations that require empathy based on recurring situations that happen to refugees and migrants.

  • Ukraine at the 54th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam 

    Ukraine at the 54th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam 

    This week, from June 6 to 9, the largest poetry festival in the country took place in the Netherlands – the 54th Poetry International Festival Rotterdam. Oksana Stomina, a Ukrainian poet from Mariupol, was invited to the festival.

  • Liberation Day, which the Dutch and Ukrainians spent together

    Liberation Day, which the Dutch and Ukrainians spent together

    On May 5, the day when the Netherlands celebrates the Day of Liberation from the Nazi Occupiers, members of the Ukrainian community also took part in various events organised to mark this date to emphasise the importance of freedom.

  • Introducing the winning projects of the Letterenfonds Foundation!

    Introducing the winning projects of the Letterenfonds Foundation!

    We have great news to share with you! Five artists from our Ukrainian community won grants from the Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists 2024 financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands! This means that very soon you will be presented with very diverse Ukrainian…

  • “I dream of the sea and the surfing and big seagulls”. 

    “I dream of the sea and the surfing and big seagulls”. 

    On World Poetry Day, March 21, at the Design Museum Dedel in The Hague, we organised a unique poetry evening in memory of Maksym Kryvtsov, a warrior of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and a poet who died at the age of 33 at the beginning of 2024 in the Russian-Ukrainian war.